* See common/core changed for additional updates * See common/core changed for additional updates * See common/core changed for additional updates * Added option to export security log * Moved key-fields form into dataset properties * Added archive/unarchive forms * Fixed bug where keyfields were not included in list of "jump to" fields * Many minor bug fixes * See common/core changes for major updates! * Added feature where the programtakes temporary snapshorts of a project, such that logging does not interfere with reverting structural changes. * Fixed bug where some reports were available even though users might not have the correct auth level * Added missing reports to dropdown menus * In "Group Entry Rights" implemented hot-states for mouse over checkboxes. * Field Properties: Implemented Type, Length, Range and Valuelabel check for all relevant modifiers (eg. defaults value, etc.) * Fixed a bug where starting with -i commandline, but with no arguments, which caused A/V * On Variable properties - moved EntryMode to basic pane. * Grouped Value Labels and Ranges together * Removed variable property "Show Value Label Notes" - was not used * Fixed bug were it was posible to try import data to valuelabels with unsuppported variables selected. * Rename "max missing value" and "2nd max..." to "last missing value" and "2nd last..." as it is actualle the order of missing values that matters * Variables with "no-enter" are now coloured with OS default in-active colour. * Fixed bug in importing CSV files under special circumstances * Improved feedback in import/load situations when importing fails. * Title bar had "TRUNK" incorrectly included * A beta warning was incorrectly shown when closing a project * New feature: Extended Access with action logging * New Statusbar * Changed prefix naming style in Settings * Additional reports for Extended Access and Logging * Fixed where export to Stata 13+ in some cases converted data to wrong stata type. * Fixed bug where windows version didn't work due to error in internal debug system * Fixed bug in linux where moving fields suddenly stopped working. * Fixed bug in importing .rec files. Related to change of compiler version. * Fixed bugs related to compiling issues. * function secured according to new standardized tests, * see http://www.epidata.dk/downloads/epidata_manager_entryclient_quality_sheet.pdf * Fixed bug where rightclicking the designer, while editing a dataform caption would a program crash. * Removed SAS Export * Visual change: All must-enter fields are now painted red, as in EntryClient. * Change: Importing csv files will no longer autodetect fields with only 0 or 1 values as boolean, but as integer. * Fixed bug in Stata 13+ export with incorrect dates. * In dataform designer, the scrollbar have been set to smooth scrolling * Change: In dataform designer, the snapping (and snaplines) is only calculated on fields (labels/section) on the visible part of the form. * Fixed bug in export to stata 13+ * Fixed bug in importing very long string from stata 13+ * Report: Count by ID - added summery statistics * Report: Count by ID - on changing order of projects, this is now correctly show in the report. * Report: Count by ID - integer and AutoInc can now be compared. * On creating new related dataform - default relation is 1:1, was 1:infinite * Fixed bug in importing Stata +12 where negative numbers (or dates before 1/1/1960) would be recognized as missingvalues. * Fixed bug in SPSS/SAS export where deleted records would always be included * A string field with more than 50 character will now only have a visible width of 50 character, but it is still posible to enter the number of characters given by length. * Designer: Moved AutoInc to main toolbar (see flyspray: #157) * Settings: Change the "Prefix" character to follow new standard. See: http://www.epidata.info/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=documentation:manager:preference * Fixed a bug where "relates" on dataform properties could not be deleted in some situations. * fixed bug where updating ranges on a keyfield would not propegate to child dataforms. * (Win/MAC) Fixed bug where double-click a dataform would crash if dataform properties was showing any other tab than "Basic" * Fixed bug where "RestoreDefaultPosition" would crash if used after a project was closed. * Export: Fixed bug where DataForm caption was added when only one dataform is used * Export: Changed default postfix naming from "Date" to "Project Only" * Export: Fixed incorrect text on successfull export. * Fixed bug where Double Entry Validation options were not correctly applied to report. * Fixed bug where A/V could occur when too many items are on the same dataform (200+ fields) * Project validation - Fixed bug where system missing was incorrectly marked error in Valuelabel/Range check. * Fixed bug when too many fields/section were used on the same form, cause A/V * Added Stata 13/14 to export formats * Fixed bug where Project Validation did not correctly apply options to report. * Fixed bug where assigning fields to key would cause A/V on Windows * CountById: Added file numbering in list of counts. * Validate Double Entry * - Removed AutoInc button on "JoinBy" page * - Changed caption of Index button on "JoinBy" page to "Key" * Fixed bug where imported files in reports would show as "(Not Saved)" * Fixed spelling bug in hint for jump values. * Added Date/Time for version information * Added "Import ValueLabels from Data" to Value Label Editor" * Fixed bug in double entry validation, that could lead to A/V due to incorrect order of adding selectiong of key fields * Fixed bug where 32-bit Windows could drop the .epx/.epz extension with "Save As" on existing projects. * Fixed bug where double clicking a locked Keyfield, would cause A/V * ExportForm: changed filename edit to regular edit, to avoid confusion regarding paths. * Added import of Stata 13 and Stata 14 .dta files * Fixed bug where export filenames could conflict with OS path separators. * Value Label Editor: Fixed bug where pressing key would cause A/V if no valuelabel set was selected * Fixed bug where changing font/size for fields in preferences would not auto-adjust size of groupbox in settings * Fixed bug in selecting Key Fields on MAC * Fixed bug where float valuelabels decimal separator were not corrected on entry, hence giving an error. * Fixed bug in Windows where pressing CTRL+N while editing a valuelabel label would make focus wrong after the new valuelabel was made. * Dataform Designer: Implemented double-click on control for non-linux OS's * Added shortcut for Restore Default Position * Created new export form: * - New layout form easy overview and more intuitive understanding of export * - Possiblity to export several dataforms at once. * Hopefully fixed a bug where editing Datafile caption with double-click could cause A/V. * Minor code clean-up * Reports: Fixed bug where program could cause A/V in content validation under certain circumstances. * Reports: Fixed bug where "list by" content was not properly updated in Data Content Validation. * Minor GUI updates to main window. * When exporting a project with a single dataform, the dataform caption is NOT added to the filename of the exportfile * Fixed bug where using Ctrl+N in Value Label Editor cause A/V on Windows * Fixed bug in File Association under windows.: * On creating new relational dataform, it is automatically added to Parent dataform "After Record" list of related dataforms * Fixed bug where Prepare-double-entry new name was not added to recent * NEW: Creating relational databases * Redesigned icons and updated interface. * Change in backup principle * Automatic check for new version online. * Many minor bug-fixes * New tool: Append - Append two projects which are structurally similar. * Keyfields form: A field may only be selected once as part of key. * Fixed bug where renaming controls could lead to unintended name clash. * Rename controls:' - fixed bug where main section was illegally renamed. - Text changes* Fixed bug where exporting to SPSS/SAS did not correctly report the .csv/.txt files. * Fixed bug where exporting to SPSS/SAS did not correctly report the .csv/.txt files. * Fixed bug where export report did not contain correct exported filename. * Text changes to Double Entry and Data Validation. * Export: Added warning when overwriting existing file. * Minor text changes * Export: removed all not used valuelabelsets during export (remains in project) * Fixed bug where placing heading on form did not always save correct coordinates. * Fixed bug where export to DDI would crash on no language set. * Changed initial placement for ValueLabel Editor. * Fixes sequention compare in Validation tool. * Added check for importing Stata13 (dta_117) files. Do not supporting importing this format yet! * Fixed bug in Stata import where import would crash when a Valuelabel set existed but was not attached to a field. * Reports: All dates are now output in system format. * Reports: Project heading report now includes Edited for Structur, Data and StudyInfo. * Fixed regression bug when saving on windows with non-ascii charaters. * Export: Added possible BOM for UTF-8 csv files. * Added Project/Data Validation Tool * "Close" remained inactive even with an open file. * Added EPX Export * Added option to clear/recode data * Text changes to validate duplicate * View dataset: minor visual changes * Fixed bug where adding field/heading in section had a minor displacement * Fixed bug where jump/calc/compare referenced another field. If this field was deleted without modifying the ref. it would cause a crash on save. * Export files added to recent. * Minor bugfixes to reports * Added report during export. * Added delimiter option in SPSS export. * All export now take the form: filname_cycleno_ * Fixed bug where program incorrectly added "(not Saved)" to recent files. * Fixed bug in "Count by ID". * Fixed bug where removing ValueLabel in Editor did not remove it visually on form. * Changed default placement of properties form * Integer field default lengt is now 1. * Browse data did not save position. * Reports failed if project did not have a filename. * Minor spelling mistakes 1.3.X: * Changes not documented * * Fixed bug with multiple equal "recent files" entries. * Fixed bug where opening tutorial wouldn't always open. * Fixed "start entryclient" bug for MAC * Fixed bug where reporting EntryClient present wasn't working correct on MAC. * Fixed correct paths for EpiData EntryClient location. * Removed default value for AutoInc fields. * Fixed bug where ValueLabelSet name wasn't correctly updated on TDesignField. * fixed bug where starting EntryClient with unsaved project, would send newly saved project path to EntryClient. * Changed: Section Properties frame disables Caption Edit if Section= MainSection. * Added initial size/pos to Properties Form. * Changed configfile path for windows. * Fixed bug where "Show valuelabel text" from settings wasn't applied to field on creation. * Added TimeField shortcut/actions * Added DMY/MDY/YMD date file in "others" menu * Implemented use of "Default Date type" in Settings. * Fixed bug where backup files (.bak) were added to Recent list. * Fixed tab-order on several settings frames * Fixed bug where opening a report with empty project would crash (on Windows) * Fixed bug where starting doubleentry action on empty project, then canceling would cause A/V. * Fixed bug where changing project properties (regarding fields) would cause A/V if any number of field had been deleted. * Added "Select All" to runtime designer * Fixed some update issues where many field caused program to be very slow. * Added aligning of controls * - including shortcuts * Implemented "Select all fields of type in section" * Added shortcut to Print Dataform * Added main menu entry for print dataform. * Added extended errormessage if loading malformed .epx file. * Implemented Align form. * Fixed bug where importing .epx file could crash on occation if fields/sections already existed. * Changed caption for export form. * Fixed bug where initial options tab wasn't shown in export form. * Added "none" optiong for exporting records. * Updated URL to tutorials * IndexStatus field added from KeyFields form event if using "cancel" -> fixed. * + * unknown... * * Minor visual work on Double Entry Validation form. * Fixed bug where adding field to Datafile (in double-entry-calidation) wasn't always saved. * * Fixed critical bug where loading project file could cause doubling record count (introduced in * Minor imporvement related to shortcut/program usage. * Minor bug-fixes related to imporint Stata files. * * New form for entering Study Information * Minor improvements regarding shortcuts. * Additional minor bug fixes * * Print form * - including A4 guidelines on the designer form. * - To use, click the printer icon on the designer form. * * Completely rewritten dataform designer * Moving, selecting and replacing fields on the dataform is easier. * Select multiple fields, texts and sections. * Changes to Copy, cut & paste. - Paste will happen at current position of mouse pointer. * Preliminary Undo/Redo support. This is so far limited to dragging and sizing of controls. * * Key unique including testing of status * Prepare Double Entry and Validate Double Entry functionality * Reports may now also be output as Text rather than HTML. * Created new export system: * - added filters and other settings. * - included additional exports: CSV, SPSS, and SAS. * New Dataset viewer: * - similar to "search" in entryclient. Gives a full grid of data, to use eg. when importing .rec / stata files. * Added encryption options to project files. * - WARNING: This addition makes the .epx file unreadable by previous programs if encrypted. * - NOTE: Only the data is encrypted, hence all metadata is still in plaintext. * - USE: In "Project" menu, use the item "Set Password"