+EpiData Software - Test New Versions

Test versions (pre-release) of software in development.

Please find the latest public release version : here.

Files on this page are in a developmentental phase. Make sure the versions here do what they claim to do, and never use real data. Test on copies of data. Sometimes a test or experimental version has a different technical structure. So do not expect to be able to use data saved with test versions later.

At the bottom find experimental test versions, and towards the top versions which are expected to be released for public use after thorough testing

Please test: As described on the EpiData-list in recent posts.

Discuss function and principles on the the EpiData-list and report definitive bugs or inconsistences to the EpiData Development Documentation base (Or both).

All software on this page is available in a packed (zipped) file which you must then unzip and place in a special folder - never where you keep the public release versions.
Use standard or extended depending on your computer.

EpiData Manager

No (pre-release) test version at the moment, see below for experimental version tests.

EpiData EntryClient

No (pre-release) test version at the moment, see below for experimental version tests.

EpiData Analysis

EpiData Analysis is used for statistical analysis of numerical data and for Data management.
A full converted version of EpiData Analysis is planned and at best ready third quarter 2012 - only then will analysis have cross platform versions.

Type of Computer:  Standard   Extended
 Version Click to get
Zipped Executable
 Click to get
Zipped Executable
    64 bit (.tgz) [2804] 
Mac OS X: 
    64 bit (.zip) [2866] 
    64 bit (.zip) [9280] 
Release date for was: 06.Jul 2022

EpiData Command Line Tool

No (pre-release) test version at the moment, see below for experimental version tests.

Experimental test versions:

Files in this section are in an EARLY developmentental phase and should be considered experimental.

Take precautions and make sure the programs do what they claim to do. Work on copies of real data.

Changes to the XML structure may break backwards compatability with the stable releases!

Try out the latest features of EpiData Programs in these alpha releases.
See the changelog for each program for new features and changes to be aware of.

Please report errors and bug to our bug-tracker: FlySpray
and discuss features on the the EpiData-list

Click here: Extended Access Manual  23.Jun 2021  (0.3 Mb) [10367] to download the manual for Extended Access

EpiData Manager

No (experimental) test version at this moment, see above for pre-release test.

EpiData EntryClient

No (experimental) test version at this moment, see above for pre-release test.

EpiData Analysis

No (experimental) test version at this moment, see above for pre-release test.