+EpiData Software - Documentation

Manuals and Core Documentation

Technical Documentation    Other Notes  Show download Count

Files are uploaded on the date indicated. Download counting [] since June 2004.

EpiData Extended Manuals and Introduction or Field Notes

Examples for download and inspiration


Extended EpiData help file
Extended EpiData help file for printing or browsing

19.Jan 2005
(0.5 Mb) [616028]

The EpiTour guide is an introduction to EpiData (20 pages)

25.Aug 2005
(111 Kb) [55064]

Data Management for Surveys and Trials
- A Practical Primer using EpiData by Steve Bennett, Mark Myatt, Damien Jolley, and Andrzej Radalowicz. Brixton Health, UK. Objective: "you should understand and know how to carry out the data management aspects of a research study with EpiData. ... the case study we use throughout this book is a medical one, but the principles of data management, and the details of data management activities are the same whatever the field of study"

Text (pdf)
16.Jun 2004
(0.4 Mb) [57020]
Data files
16.Jun 2004
(43 Kb) [42291]

EpiData Introduktions note (In danish)
Opbygning af skemaer og efterfølgende indtastning ved hjælp af EpiData. Af JM. Lauritsen

16.Jun 2004
(0.3 Mb) [43816]

EpiData SPC guide (In danish). 1 rev. udgave okt. 2010
SPC-Statistisk Proces Styring - introduktion og håndbog SPC diagrammer og analyse med brug af EpiData af Lauritsen JM & Packness A. Udgivet i samarbejde mellem Region Syddanmark Center for Kvalitet, OUH og EpiData foreningen.
Bemærk, at anvendelse i rutine arbejde forudsætter bidrag til udvikling, se licensbestemmelserne

Screen Resolution

02.Nov 2010
(9.4 Mb) [40685]
Print Quality

02.Nov 2010
(25.8 Mb) [38111]

Short Introduction and flow charts
These are included with installation files in most languages.

See download page

EpiData Flyers
Promotional material presenting EpiData. SPC material in collaboration with Gruk, Norway

SPC statistics
30.Jan 2006
(170 Kb) [552410]
SPC poster statistics
30.Jan 2006
(171 Kb) [517091]

Technical documentation

Specification of SPC Implementation
Lauritsen JM, Nyen B. Specification of implementation of Statistical Process Control graphs and tests.

SPC definition document
27.Jan 2009
(64 Kb) [39120]

Validation of precision, parsing and estimation in EpiData Analysis
Lauritsen JM. Reports after running the testsuite. The test suite will be released later following clarification of data issues from persons submitting test data to the EpiData Association. As part of the test we include reference to the NIST standard datasets.

01.May 2017
(13 Kb) [37851]

Validation of function in EpiData Manager and EpiData EntryClient
by T. Christiansen & Lauritsen JM.

Text (pdf)
17.Jan 2017
(133 Kb) [34342]

How to create User defined commands in EpiData Analysis
Examples and principle by J. Hockin and J.Lauritsen

Text (pdf)
25.May 2008
(35 Kb) [42753]

Percentile observation numbers for small n (< 20)
Table of observation numbers for small n with percentiles

small n

12.Oct 2008
(12 Kb) [36924]

Output Design in EpiData Analysis
Lauritsen JM. Output design definition in EpiData Analysis. Contributor J. Hockin.

01.Feb 2006
(81 Kb) [42071]

Options and set specifications in EpiData Analysis
Lauritsen JM. Specification of principle for command and programme control structures.

22.Feb 2007
(115 Kb) [41181]

Commands and Functions in EpiData Analysis
Lauritsen JM. Commands and Functions in EpiData Analysis. Contributor J. Hockin.


Datafile Structure
Bruus M & Lauritsen JM. Detailed Technical description of datafile structure in EpiData.

16.Jun 2004
(132 Kb) [43946]

User Defined Functions in EpiData Entry
Define "user defined functions" in chk files. Programmed by S.Mahmud. Two examples:

  • Gumm algoritm (By L.Hvidberg, J.Mortensen & A Skytthe. Institute of Public Health, Epidemiology University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
  • Extended Soundex and Metaphone function (By S.Mahmud. Univ. of Mcguill, Montreaul, Canada)

General Description
27.Nov 2004
(13 Kb) [45042]
Source Code & examples
27.Nov 2004
(111 Kb) [45305]

Translation of files
Source files for translation of documents and instructions on translation.

EpiData Entry
05.Oct 2004
(0.2 Mb) [42931]

Webservice Version
Software can access via SOAP protocol version numbers. Warning: this is highly technical Not relevant for end-users, but for systems developers. This service is called by "Check Version" in help menu's of EpiData Analysis.

View Documentation here
    Standards Implemented
  • Data export to Stata, SPSS & SAS with labels and missing value definitions, DBF, CSV.
  • Data Import from DBF, CSV, Stata with labels and missing value definitions.
  • Analysis reads standard data formats (dbf/csv/rec format)
  • Analysis produces standard HTML output, which is W3C compatible
AES encryption (Rijndael)

Other notes

Take good care of your Data
Considerations and suggestions for achieving good data quality. By Svend Juul with contributions from JM Lauritsen and A Jørgensen. Aarhus University, Denmark,

16.Nov 2005
(0.3 Mb) [43549]

Datadocumentation principles - case (in danish)
In the form of a structured introduction to Stata 6 (www.stata.com) this note takes the reader through the proces of complete documentation of a dataset. By JM.Lauritsen, Odense Denmark. (in danish). (index only) Datasets can be converted with EpiData from stata to other formats.

16.Jun 2004
(1.7 Mb) [48316]
16.Jun 2004
(0.3 Mb) [41268]

Introduction to Stata
Structured introduction to Stata (www.stata.com) and other notes by Svend Juul Aarhus University, Denmark. (in english).

Web site